Biostatistics Project Registration

Project Registration Form

Date: Feb 9, 2025

Date of Initial Contact (if other than today's date):

Email Address of Person Completing Form:

Project Title:

Primary Investigator: First Name:      Last Name:      Suffix:

PI Email:


Co Investigators:

Is This In The Project/Study Development Phase? (has not been submitted and/or received Institutional Approvals)
Yes     No

Are you applying for a Grant?:
Yes      No

Grant Deadline Date:

Please indicate if you are submitting to one of the following Peer-Reviewed Funding Organizations:
if other:

Human Subject Certification (including Exempt studies):
IRB Approval # Date

Vertebrate Animals:
IACUC Approval # Date

Cancer or Cancer Related:
Yes     No

Do You Need Statistical support?:
Yes     No

Do You Need Data Management?:
Yes     No

Do You Need Genomics / Bioinformatics support?:
Yes     No

Center Affiliations & Core Support:(if applicable)Indicate All that Apply:
Cardiovascular Medicine - CVM
Cardiothoracic Surgery Residency– CTS
Center for American Indian Community Health (CAICH)
Center for Child Health and Development
Center for Childrens Healthy Lifestyles and Nutrition
Center for Health Behavior Neuroscience
Center for Healthcare Informatics
Center for TeleMedicine and TeleHealth
Center for Viral Oncology
Center on Aging
Department of Surgery
Frontiers: The Heartland Institute for Clinical and Translational Research
Hematologic Malignancies and Cellular Therapeutics
Hoglund Brain Imaging Center
Institute for Advancing Medical Innovation
Institute for Molecular and Outcomes Medicine
Institute for Neurological Disorders
Institute for Reproductive Health and Regenerative Medicine
Institute of Community and Public Health
Integrative Medicine
Internal Medicine
Kansas Institute for Precision Medicine
Kidney Institute
KU Alzheimers Disease Research Center
KU Clinical Research Center
KU Diabetes Institute
Office of Research-Wichita
Liver Center
Smith Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center
The University of Kansas Cancer Center

Please select any Department of Biostatistics & Data Science Faculty currently associated with this project:

Dr. Leonidas Bantis
Dr. Alexandra Brown
Dr. Prabhakar Chalise
Dr. Junqiang Dai
Dr. Francisco Diaz
Dr. Byron Gajewski
Dr. Jianghua He
Dr. Jinxiang Hu
Dr. John Keighley
Dr. Devin Koestler
Dr. Yanming Li
Dr. Jonathan Mahnken
Dr. Matthew Mayo
Dr. Robert Montgomery
Dr. DineshPal Mudaranthakam
Dr. Dong Pei
Dr. Milind Phadnis
Dr. Isuru Ratnayake
Dr. Mihaela Sardiu
Dr. Jill Smith
Dr. Jeffrey Thompson
Dr. Jo Wick
Dr. Kate Young
Dr. Zhiguo Zhou

Additional Comments, Description, or Other Information:

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